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Regina Rec League

League Info


Start Dates and End Dates (Dates may change - Check with the league prior to the season)

Winter - Last week of Jan to Last week of March - 9 Games
Spring Outdoor- First week of May to Last week of June - 8 Games
Spring Indoor - First week of April to First week of June - 9 games
Summer Outdoor- First week of July to First week of September - 8 Games
Fall - Last week of Sept to first week of December - 9 Games
Fall Outdoor - Second week of September - October - 5 Games

Registration Dates - Click on the sport at the top of the page then click on details for sport specifc registration date details.

Days of the week
Each league plays one game a week.  When registering you will select which night
you want to play, and all games will be on that night only. 

When selecting your prefered night, make sure your desired league is offered on that night.

To see what nights your desired league is offered - click on the sport at the top 
of the page, then click details.

Gender - All leagues are Coed - at this time we do not offer all male or all female leagues

Roster Changes and Additions - You can register additional players at any time. Email the new player information to the league and those players will be added to your roster.

Skill Levels - The RRL offers Rookie, Rec, Intermediate leagues. If certain leagues or league nights do not have enough teams for a certain skill level, then leagues will be a combination of multiple skill levels.  All leagues are fun first.

How to Register? - To register a team click on the Team Registration button - To register a player click on the Player Registration button.

Individual Players - You can register as an individual player and we will try to find a team for you.

Groups - If you want to ensure you are put on the same team as another player all you have to do is add their name to your registration form. You can either fill out one registration form and include all player names and submit the multiple player registration fee or you can each fill out a registration form and include the other player names and submit the individual player registration fee and we will make sure you are on the same team.

Team Name - You can register without a team name, but make sure you provide the league with a team name a week prior to the season so your team can be added to the schedule.

Registration Fee - Online Registration is the only option. Registration fees must be paid with a credit card online. Registrations must be complete with registration fee paid prior to a spot being held for you.

Age Restrictions - All players must be at least 18 years old by the first game of the season - No acceptions.

Team Size - Teams sizes are unlimited. For team size minimums or recommended sizes click on the sport at the top of the page then click on details.

Game Locations -   Regina Rec League rents facilities and fields from both the City of Regina and private organizations all throughout the city so games can be anywhere in the city. For a list of facilities please click on the maps page

Fees - There are no annual fees. The only league fee is the fee you pay when you register.

Next Registration Period -  If you want to know when the next registration period opens, sign up for our email subscription and we'll email you when registration opens.

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